Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow
Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow
Welcome to Year 6
Working with our Year 6 children this year are Mrs Gill Hutton (Monday - Thursday,) and Mrs Caroline Bareham (Friday) Supported by Mrs Yvette Evans and Mrs Beverley Brentnall.
Both Mrs Hutton and Mrs Bareham have many years experience teaching Year 6 which we believe is an exciting and important year in our children's lives.
Below, you will find our topic webs to discover what we are learning as well as some pictures to see what we have been doing.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch via Class Dojo if you have any questions.
2025 SATs
We are now fast approaching the End of Key Stage Two assessment tests (SATs) which will take place this year week commencing Monday 12th May. The Department for Education information pack for parents is attached below.
Should you wish to do any additional practice, or revise any of the Key Stage Two learning, the attached document lists some useful websites and revision ideas.
Remember: SATs are important, BUT they only measure a small part of your amazing achievements. Your success at Whitchurch School will be measured on many other things, such as your attitude to your learning, the kindness and respect you show to others and the confidence you have developed during your time here.
Lots of you have many fantastic talents, such as sports, singing, drama and helping others. These are just as important as English and maths!
Please do not worry about the tests - try your best, that is all we ask.
However, if you do feel worried, please come and talk to us so we can reassure you!
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