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Whitchurch Combined School

Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow

Whitchurch Combined School

Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow




Over the course of time technology has played a major role in both children’s and adult’s lives. From the time we get up to the time we go to sleep technology is ever present in our day to day lives. Computing is a powerful tool which has grown vastly within the last 20 years. The subject of computing allows users the ability to communicate, program and present ideas in a variety of ways.


At Whitchurch Combined School we look to fully explore the world of computing which will help prepare our pupils for the new technological age. Our curriculum aims to develop Computing skills that can be carefully applied in a range of different situations, with children developing their independence in the choices they make over which technology to use to help them reach the preferred outcome. As they progress through KS1 and KS2 children will become increasingly confident in applying their digital skills, becoming more efficient and effective communicators, collaborators and analysts, showing imagination and creativity in their use of ICT in different aspects of their learning and life beyond school.




At Whitchurch Combined School our intent is to ensure that our pupils are exposed to a progressive computing curriculum. We want to deliver a curriculum which inspires curiosity and achieves all the outcomes stated in the National Curriculum. Since the Computing is split into three different strands (Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology) it is vital that the children identify how each one can be relevant to their everyday lives. This will be achieved from high quality teaching of computing from reception to year 6.




This is achieved using a carefully developed long term plan and progression grid that allows staff to identify what has been taught prior or next in order to maximise pupil progress. We follow the ‘Switched On’ Computing scheme from reception to year 6. This provides full coverage of the primary computing programmes of study. You can follow the course as a whole and be reassured of delivering a coherent, complete computing curriculum which helps pupils to progress their knowledge, understanding and skills in computing. There is a ‘spiral’ approach to sequencing the units, with themes recurring year by year. This provides ample opportunity for pupils to:

  • consolidate technical skills
  • achieve fluency with a range of key applications
  • develop their knowledge and understanding of the principles that underpin digital technologies and the changing consequences of these for individuals and society.

Each year includes units covering the foundations, applications and implications of computing, ensuring that pupils progress in the computer science, information technology and digital literacy strands of the computing curriculum. It also encourages creativity, collaboration and thinking skills.


E-safety is an essential element of computing at Whitchurch Combined School. The school have a separate E-safety policy. The Switched On Computing scheme intertwines e-safety with every unit completed. We also have standalone E-safety lessons that take place once every half term in each year group and during PSHE lessons.




Our children at Whitchurch Combined School will gain greater knowledge of the skills needed throughout the computing curriculum and have access to key vocabulary used within the subject. They will confidently articulate their learning and understanding of computing. Furthermore, children will understand the vital role computing plays not just for the curriculum but within society. They will know how the skills used within school can be implemented within a variety of the technologies they will come across in life.

Computing Curriculum Overview

Year 1 - 6 'Switched On' Computing Overviews

Computing Progression of Knowledge and Skills Grids

Whitchurch Combined School Values

Be Kind
  • No matter how tough your day has been for you: always be kind - Emily, Year 5.
Be Respectful
  • Accept people's ideas or games you might play on the play ground - Edward H, Year 5.
Be Proud
  • Being proud to me is doing your best work and looking for ways to improve - Freddie, Year 5.
Be Resilient
  • You don’t give up! You keep trying your best until it gets easier! - Henny, Year 5.
Be Curious
  • Being Curious to me is asking questions, being interested and wanting to try new things - Edward W, Year 5