Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow
Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow
Please find below a copy of our latest school performance results, along with a link to the DfE's school performance tables website.
Please note due to COVID-19, there is is no 2019 - 2020 data or Achievement Summary.
Internal assessment
At Whitchurch Combined Primary School we strive to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential and are supported and nurtured along their pathway to successful learning.
Throughout the academic year, teachers use a mixture of formative and summative assessment to assess pupils and identify any gaps in learning which are then addressed either in class or through an extra intervention.
We assess in all Core Subjects (Maths, Reading, Writing and Science) and all the Foundation subjects. Teachers use the National Curriculum and our knowledge and skills progression grids. These grids set out the learning in all subjects and for each year group. We also use Flash back fours (FB4) in all subjects at the start of a lesson to help children remember their previous learning (to help children know and remember more). They need to recall learning from the present topic, a past topic, a topic from another year group and useful vocabulary.
Children are assessed against age related expectations for the time of the year and progress is tracked from the previous academic year and prior key stage. Here are the codes we use to assess attainment:
GDS - Greater depth standard
EXS - Expected standard
WTS - Working towards standard
WTS (and the year group they are working within)- Significantly below standard
Assessment and progress information will be shared with parents through parents evenings and end of year reporting.