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Whitchurch Combined School

Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow

Whitchurch Combined School

Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow

Physical Education

Whitchurch Combined School - Physical Education (PE)

PE Policy

Swimming Policy

Sports Premium 2022-2023



  • To commit to provide children with high quality opportunities to fully engage in PE creating positive relationships with physical activity for life for every child
  • To develop children's basic physical competencies, be physically active for a sustained period, build confidence in their abilities, build foundations to promote a healthy active lifestyle in a safe environment
  • To develop enthusiasm and a love for Physical Education and provide opportunities for pupils to develop their skills through engaging lessons, community events and competitions
  • To develop competence to excel in a broad range of activities to compete against themselves and others competitively, whilst being challenged to improve their physical, social, emotional and thinking skills
  • To teach the importance of healthy fit bodies and understand factors that affect health and fitness. Our aim is to raise awareness and is closely aligned with our PHSE policy


Follow the WCS Physical Education Curriculum


We have adopted the Real PE Scheme (July 2022) across the school. This scheme ensures that children are given a wealth of opportunities to develop their physical movement skills as well as achieving whole child multi-ability progression statements and skills.

We use PE cogs that inter link in lessons- creative, cognitive, personal, Physical, social, fitness and health. In foundation, KS1 and KS2 children have at least 2 hours of quality PE sessions a week following the Real PE programmes.


In a PE session you will see:

  • Consistency in routines including an introduction and warm up, skill development and application, games and review
  • Videos to watch
  • Collaboration and opportunity for partner work, discussions
  • Opportunities for children to work independently and together
  • Opportunity for children to perform and feedback
  • Subject specific vocabulary that builds on previous learning/year groups
  • Progression in equipment used with year groups.


We take Years 3/4 swimming each week giving each child a year to be able to swim 25 metres to enter and leave pool safely and  water safety sessions.


Work Collaboratively with Specialist Sports Coaches and The Buckingham Schools Partnership


WCS pupils have lessons with their class teachers and specialist sports coaches’ afterschool. Class teachers work with sports coaches to further develop subject knowledge and ensure skill progression across all lessons. Sports Coaches implement WCS’s curriculum and ensure that pupils take ownership over their own level of challenge. We are part of the BSP that provide CPD, collaborative social days with like schools and competition festivals with other schools.

Community Events and Competitions


WCS pupils are provided with a wide range of opportunities to participate in competitive intra and inter school competitions. As well as non-competitive events where pupils are able to practise and develop their skills in PE lessons with different colour challenges. specialist sports teachers and young leaders help run after-school clubs to enhance their skills. At WCS we provide our pupils with opportunities to further develop their understanding of the importance of physical education and the wide variety of professions and hobbies that are available to them. We encourage visits from Athletes and Paralympian’s with Wheel power accessible locally. We have martial Arts sessions within the curriculum to enrich, build confidence, and empower belief in themselves as well as an after-school club.  We aim to provide enriching learning opportunities that will encourage our pupils to lead healthy and active lifestyles such as forest school, Yoga. At WCSS we also plan whole school events such as Sports Days and Sport, obstacle courses, walk to school days and Well-being weeks to involve parents and the community with our pupil’s successes. We have whole class participation in multi-skills and cricket in the wider community.


Physical Activity across the Curriculum


All pupils receive two hours of Physical Education a week however, Physical education is embedded throughout the school day and across other areas of the curriculum. KS1 pupils have active warm ups and outside learning opportunities to support pupil progress and mental well-being. Class teachers provide targeting interventions during this time to support pupil progress and close gaps in attainment (rainbow road) core body positions for strong writing.  Active Park and walk is encouraged across the school as part of our school travel plan.  Physical activity is encouraged at break times and lunch times through the use of playground equipment and play leaders (Year 5 pupils). Outdoor learning is evident across the curriculum in subjects such as Science, Geography, Maths and early reading. Teachers will plan activities that encourage physical activity whilst still meeting the objectives of other curriculum areas. For example, forest school, imaginative play and writing idea plans, seasonal what can I see and find walks observational walks and drawing, environmental lessons (pond, meadow, bug hotels)


The Learning Environment


At WCS lessons are inclusive and build on prior learning whilst providing opportunities for pupils to take ownership over their learning by selecting their own level of challenge through real PE. Pupil are provided with the opportunity to model the skills they are learning and work collaboratively with others to further improve. All teachers and specialist sports coaches observe closely to provide instant verbal feedback and modelling of how to further improve and progress. Providing pupils with ownership over their own level of challenge provides an inclusive environment for all.


Celebrate our Achievements


Share children’s achievements inside and outside of school with celebration assemblies every Friday. School monthly newsletter and social media platforms are used to inform and celebrate with parents. Invite parents into school for whole school events such as ‘Well-being week’ and Sports Day. Encourage parental engagement at competitions and football fixtures. Show case talent and hard work at festivals and competitions with other local schools.


IMPACT -  How we know we achieved our aims?


1. Pupils progress following a progression journey through Real PE.

2. Pupils work with resilience, motivation, enthusiasm, and feel confident to challenge themselves by working outside of their comfort zone.

They can talk about what worked well, how well they worked as a team and what they need to do to improve

3. Children deepen their understanding of PE by following the progression in each cog, social, cognitive, physical, creative, personal, health, and fitness. Children become confident within different threads and cogs of PE and show resilience when tackling new skills.


4. Children can share / take part in extra-curricular activities, demonstrate new skills in intra/inter sport competitions, playtime or in PE sessions through PE challenges. whole class participation in events in the wider community

5.Pupils can explain how being active in lessons are important, how healthy lifestyles keep us fit and are proud of what they do to stay physically active.


WCS Real PE Overview

Progression of Skills

Progression of Skills - Real Gym

Progression of skills - Real Dance

WCS - Clubs Links

WCS - PE Cultural Capital

Whitchurch Combined School Values

Be Kind
  • No matter how tough your day has been for you: always be kind - Emily, Year 5.
Be Respectful
  • Accept people's ideas or games you might play on the play ground - Edward H, Year 5.
Be Proud
  • Being proud to me is doing your best work and looking for ways to improve - Freddie, Year 5.
Be Resilient
  • You don’t give up! You keep trying your best until it gets easier! - Henny, Year 5.
Be Curious
  • Being Curious to me is asking questions, being interested and wanting to try new things - Edward W, Year 5