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Whitchurch Combined School

Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow

Whitchurch Combined School

Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow

Religious Education

RE at Whitchurch


The value of good RE in our school:

  • how we behave affects other people and the world we live in so our behaviour is an important issue
  • our behaviour is influenced by our attitudes
  • our attitudes are influenced by our beliefs
  • we all play a part in creating the world we live in
  • what we believe, whether religious or not, contributes significantly to this. RE helps pupils and the school as a whole to reflect on the ways in which beliefs influence how people live their lives. However, we will not impose religious beliefs upon pupils, nor compromise their own beliefs, respect is for others and self is emphasised through all lessons.

Thus there are two main educational purposes to our RE teaching:

  • firstly, to enable children to learn about religions which have influenced the lives of millions of people and have heavily influenced the development of different human cultures. This is learning about religion.
  • secondly, and largely arising from the first purpose, to enable our pupils to learn more about themselves and their place in the world from their study of religion. This is learning from religion


Children have said …

• RE is more interesting especially due to the topic being more fun, interactive

and sensitive.

• I like learning about these topics because I learn more about what people

believe in and don’t believe in.

• Everything you learn in RE has two sides and …you need to see both sides.

Whitchurch Combined School Values

Be Kind
  • No matter how tough your day has been for you: always be kind - Emily, Year 5.
Be Respectful
  • Accept people's ideas or games you might play on the play ground - Edward H, Year 5.
Be Proud
  • Being proud to me is doing your best work and looking for ways to improve - Freddie, Year 5.
Be Resilient
  • You don’t give up! You keep trying your best until it gets easier! - Henny, Year 5.
Be Curious
  • Being Curious to me is asking questions, being interested and wanting to try new things - Edward W, Year 5