Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow
Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow
Special Education Needs
SENDCo - Mrs J Williams
When a teacher becomes concerned about a child’s progress, they will liaise with our senior member of staff who has responsibility for special educational needs throughout the school.
A Support Plan will be developed, and suitably differentiated activities will be provided for the child. Also, advice may be sought from the County's learning support service, and parents will be kept fully briefed. If progress is not satisfactory, parents will be involved in moves towards receiving further advice and support from other specialists such as educational psychologists.
Children with a formal 'statement of special educational needs' attending this school are provided for within the normal school environment using additional resources made available by the local education authority. Most support will be within the normal classroom, but some individual and small group work may be provided. As a school, we recognise that every child matters and that each child has their own educational needs, regardless of race or gender, and we aim to meet the needs of all of our children.
Parents’ Information and involvement
We firmly believe in strong links between school and home, and you and your child will be invited to sign our ‘home school agreement’ which summarises this partnership. In addition, we offer you the following opportunities to keep in touch with us and to become fully involved in your children’s education:
· In line with our open door policy, you are always welcome in school to discuss any concern you may have about your child - either for just a quick word with the class teacher or the headteacher before or after school, or by appointment if a lengthier discussion is necessary. In addition, there are formal Parents' Evenings in the autumn and spring terms and an informal open evening in the summer. Also, there are many other occasions when parents are able to visit the school.
· A newsletter containing information about forthcoming events and the life of the school is sent home monthly. Also, teachers send home ‘class newsletters’ outlining the main areas of study for the term. There are parents’ noticeboards in the reception area and by the school gate.
· Information about all aspects of school is available on our website – Please take time to familiarise yourself with the content.
· We greatly value the support of parents who are able to join our team of regular 'school helpers', assisting with art and craft activities, hearing children read, library supervision, accompanying school visits, etc. Please contact your child’s class teacher or the headteacher if you are able to offer time – however little – on a regular basis.
· The Whitchurch PTA runs many social and fund-raising activities each year for children and their parents. All parents are warmly invited to these events, and to participate in their organisation.
The school has an access plan meeting the requirements of the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act. Certain work has been completed such as handrails and visibility tape being sited. Specific learning resources have been purchased. Further work to modify the building will be done as appropriate whilst the curriculum is also modified to meet the needs of children as required. At present there is no wheelchair access but this would be provided if the school was asked to admit a child requiring such access. An active Equalities Policy operates which tries to ensure that all the children are treated equally, enjoy equal access to the curriculum and to any opportunities available at the school.