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Whitchurch Combined School

Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow

Whitchurch Combined School

Growing Today, Ready for Tomorrow


Our English Curriculu

At Whitchurch Combined School, we recognise that English is a core subject within the National Curriculum and that the focus of all our teaching is to develop pupils’ abilities to use language to think, explore, organise and communicate significant meanings to enable every pupil to achieve their potential and develop self-esteem. We also recognise the importance language plays in social, emotional and imaginative development of pupils as they use language to make meaning of the complexity of human experience, and to communicate with the world at large.



Pupils are given opportunities to inter-relate the requirements of English within a broad and balanced approach to the teaching of English across the curriculum.  They are given opportunities to consolidate and practise taught literacy skills.

We aim to:

  • Enable pupils to be taught in all subjects to express themselves correctly and appropriately
  • Enable pupils to read accurately and with understanding
  • Encourage pupils to appreciate literature
  • Enable pupils to recognise the close relationship between reading and writing
  •  Provide pupils with learning opportunities which develop and integrate speaking and listening skills, reading skills and writing skills
  • Provide real contexts for language learning in English and across the curriculum
  • Encourage pupils to have an interest in words and their meaning, and a growing vocabulary. This interest extends to the technical and specialist vocabulary of all subjects.
  • Develop the thinking skills of pupils on the path to becoming reflective, independent learners
  • Provide opportunities for pupils to use ICT to facilitate and extend their learning in speaking, listening, reading and writing
  • Recognise the importance of having a consistent view of language learning across the wider curriculum
  • Enable pupils to apply and experiment with language across the wider curriculum
  • Enable pupils to become confident spellers


Please use the following links for further information. 

Whitchurch Combined School Values

Be Kind
  • No matter how tough your day has been for you: always be kind - Emily, Year 5.
Be Respectful
  • Accept people's ideas or games you might play on the play ground - Edward H, Year 5.
Be Proud
  • Being proud to me is doing your best work and looking for ways to improve - Freddie, Year 5.
Be Resilient
  • You don’t give up! You keep trying your best until it gets easier! - Henny, Year 5.
Be Curious
  • Being Curious to me is asking questions, being interested and wanting to try new things - Edward W, Year 5